Hibernating may be a natural impulse during the winter months, but it will not help you lose weight. Most people think they can eat more because it is the big sweater time of year, but what happens when the sun breaks through the clouds in April? Even though it is easier to bundle up and succumb to the allure of comfort food, weight loss requires extra effort during the winter months.
This season is fast approaching and in order to achieve your weight loss goals, you must begin preparing now. Resist the urge to hibernate and take stock in your ability to make a difference in your health this year. Come spring, you'll be happy you did. Here are 6 tips to get you started in your Holiday Weight Loss plan of action.
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Holiday Weight Loss Tips #1. Take Inventory
What foods fill your kitchen cupboards in the winter that you know will prohibit you from sticking to a healthy weight loss plan? Egg nog? Hot chocolate? Fatty soups? Christmas cookies? Candy canes? Write down these foods and prepare to leave them out of your grocery cart. It is bad enough you will be tempted to eat forbidden foods at holiday parties, so you do not need them readily available for you around the clock in your home.
Holiday Weight Loss Tips #2. Venture Outside
Cold air can be invigorating if you give it half a chance. Winter provides opportunities to engage in activities that only come around once a year. Do not miss out on them just because you are afraid fo getting cold. Exercise is an important component of healthy weight loss, so dust off the ice skates, snowshoes and sleds. Besides the workout benefit, the outdoors offers exposure to sunlight, the all-natural mood booster.
Holiday Weight Loss Tip #3. Winter Projects
Need something to keep your mind off eating in front of the television every night? Think of a major project that you have been putting off that you can spread out over the span of the entire winter. Plan out something you can do each and every day that will eventually lead to you finishing before the springtime. The more active you are, the more calories you burn and the less likely you will raid the refrigerator out of boredom.
Holiday Weight Loss Tip #4. Warm Up With Tea
Instead of warming yourself up with an expensive fatty latte with whipped cream ever day this winter, think green tea! Not only is it full of powerful anti-oxidants that will keep you healthy, just one cup a day can burn up to 80 calories! It has also been shown that green tea speeds up your metabolism. Do yourself a favor this winter and stock your cupboard full of this drink instead of trendy high-calorie hot chocolate drinks.
Holiday Weight Loss Tip #5. Omit Alcohol
One of the biggest enemies of healthy weight loss is alcohol, and winter is a time of year full of parties and social gatherings. Not only will alcohol give you added calories that you do not need, it blocks your mental focus that is necessary for living a healthy lifestyle. Pace your drinking at holiday parties by having a seltzer or sparkling water in between red wine. You'll stay sober and cut your alcohol in take at the same time.
Holiday Weight Loss Tip #6. Supplementation
Winter is a great time to begin an all-natural vitamin and mineral supplementation program to lose weight in a healthy way. Colds and flu viruses run rampant in this time of year, so getting your body as healthy as it can be will only accelerate your weight loss efforts. Not sure what program to start? There are many choices out there, so make sure your the one you choose comes with a money-back guarantee if you do not get results.
No matter what obstacles you face during the winter season, remember that the key to a healthy weight loss is living a healthy lifestyle. People who remain thin and healthy are usually always active, and they make healthy eating choices most of the time they sit down at the dinner table. Although the winter may seem long and cold, springtime will appear before you know it. Think about how good you want to look in that swimsuit, and use the off season to reach your goal so you can enjoy it in time.
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