Many people have a serious problem with weight loss, and then there are those who just want to look like movie stars and feel they need to lose weight for that reason. It is a self esteem problem, not a weight loss problem in that case. There are also big dangers under the surface - anorexia and other health problems.
Anorexia is generally developed over time as a way of coping with emotional pain, stress, or unhappiness, although the true cause of anorexia is unknown and can involve both genetic and environmental factors.
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That is the way doctor's put it. There can be many reasons for anorexia but if a person stops eating just to reach a certain standard, then it is not an illness in the traditional sense, it's mostly a psychological issue that has only to do with self esteem and ego. At least it starts out that way and then slowly might develop into a serious illness. I know many will disagree here, but I look at alcoholism in the same way. The thing is, people want to treat everything as illness nowadays and it's a great way to remove responsibility outside oneself and feel that the society must take care of it. As we know, medicines only help the symptoms they do not cure the illness...
It has to be said that anorexia can lead to a very serious condition where people lose large amounts of weight due to excessive dieting, but what puts a person in this position in the first place? It's not because the body wants it, it's because something else!
And this I call weight loss for all the wrong reasons!
All these problems are serious problems, there is no use to deny that, but I think things has to be dealt with directly as they are for best results.
An alcoholic forgets about everything else and in many cases ignores food altogether. He will most probably lose weight, but also his health. It has been proven that smoking keeps one moderately fit, at least after quitting many people gain weight. Looks like staying fit might be very dangerous for your health!
The markets in weight loss are huge and many products are tempting because they promise fast results with almost no effort from your part. A serious weight loser knows most of this is BS, because to really lose weight, we need a change in lifestyle and lots of psychological strength. If you put your money on some ab workout product or weight loss product or other supplements and gimmicks that weren't working for you, you might think the next one does the trick, and then you are hooked in a endless loop. This is the time to look into the mirror and understand that the problem is inside - and to really get results we have to change our attitude, find a good program to follow, be consistent and if possible have a good support group.
The right reasons for weight loss are obvious; when a person is clearly over weighted is the first one, second is health, and thirdly the overall normal desire to stay fit. Many gain weight these days because of so much junk food and lack of right knowledge. Because of this, it is a good idea to study and get knowledge about healthy ways to eat, live and exercise. I have a lot of information on my blog, feel free to visit anytime.
If you are thinking about a weight loss program, know first your motives, then get some basic knowledge and make a solid plan, stick to it and find reliable resources that actually help.
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